I made this in our third year. Aren't we cute?
I didn't know Jonah would be my closest friend in college. She was clingy and, oh my god, I just need some space sometimes, you know? HAHAHAHAHAHA.
One of the funniest memories I have of her was during our first week at school. See, we weren't super close yet so I was treading the water. So, when I saw her handwriting for the first time, I was trying so hard not to laugh out loud. It was.. I don't know, I'm going to let her describe her own handwriting for me. (Hint: Picture a toddler trying to write for the first time in her life.) I remember grinning and I'm 95% sure I asked her if that's how she really writes. I'm sorry, I can't recall the exact details but I remember her telling me na "Ang sama mo!" and I was really trying not to burst out in laughter while telling her na wala sa hitsura nya na ganon sya magsulat. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
One of the things that really cemented our friendship was our telebabads. When something dramatic or big happens (brawls, cat fights, or when one of us is pretty pissed off with someone) we spend an hour or two on the phone dissecting the issue and almost, always wishing that something bigger or more controversial happened. I know I should be sorry but, let's face it, without these issues.. there's rarely anything to look forward to everyday! When I think about it, there's no one else (in the block) I would want to share these conversations and talks with. I think it's always going to be the ugly face of Jonah.
So if you guys actually read between the lines, you would see how much she admires me. Let's dissect shall we?
1. I didn't know Jonah would be my closest friend in college.
- REAL MEANING: I am thankful to god that someone like her chose to hang out with someone like me.
2. I was really trying not to burst out in laughter while telling her na wala sa hitsura nya na ganon sya magsulat.
-REAL MEANING: I can't believe her handwriting looks like that when she looks so perfect.
Thanks Rina!
There were a lot of things that happened during our college days and attempting to put all the hilarious moments on one blog post is impossible- mainly because I don't remember half of them. Like everybody else though, we also had our corny I-want-to-hide-under-a-rock-whenever-I-remember phase. Jokes like "Pantog Activate" when one wants to pee and refering to an aircon as "Fuzzy: Only For You" (Yes, tagline included) - we used to think that was hilarious. Freaks right? Still, it was so much better than the others. *cough* Joaqui *cough*
You might think we are anti-social freaks who hate everybody but we did manage to find our special little group. Although we insult each other on a daily basis and do weird things (see first picture of this post), we wouldn't have made it without them.

But among these 7 people, the Jorinah Fairytale lives on (HAHAHAHAHA dear god). Rina and I, oddly enough, had our own special connection. We were being pulled together like opposite ends of a magnet- a big magnet cause there is no way a small one can pull Rina being the big thing that she is.
So there, our college days together was mainly made up of backstabbing (but never each other), phone calls, alcohol, barfing Rina, in-love-for-the-first-time Rina (Hahaha!), heartbroken Rina, jealous Rina...
And me. Being the nice angel that I am. :)
And my handwriting is not that bad please. I don't understand why everybody makes fun of my handwriting.
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