Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Blog Project

So after three entries of insulting each other and tooting our own horns, we're finally here to tell you what this blog is all about. I'm sure all of you are curious about the direction we are planning to take with this and excited on how we can possibly make this site more interesting than it already is. 

But speaking like someone from the real world, I'm sure most of you guys are probably indifferent cause, you know, nobody actually reads this shit. Hahaha!

But like that's gonna stop us from talking about ourselves. *rolls eyes*

During the course of our college days together, Rina and I realized that we often have different opinion on things. She likes Pride and Prejudice which I think is absolutely boring and shallow (Yeah I said it) while I like Finding Nemo which she think is absolutely sad and depressing. So we kill tons of time disproving each other and proving our intellectual superiority over the other (Haha!). Bottom line is, we were trying to find out who's smarter. And who else can be the judge between this passionate competition between friends than our lovely imaginary readers?

This blog then serves as a platform for all of our debates. We plan on reviewing things that interests us be it books, music, situations, pop culture or just whatever. This is a no-holds-barred blog so if you guys are sensitive, we kinda don't care. This blog is for us to express our opinions and to argue with one another (maybe more the latter than the former) and not to conform to everyone's beliefs. 

I hope that sounded badass...


So, just to give you a rundown on how this is going to work, I have to briefly explain our personalities and how we are and who we are (..as if we haven't talked enough about us in our previous blog entries.)   Oh Jonah, you fool, I can't believe you're leaving me with the task of describing us.  Mwahahahaha!

Rina - pretty, charming, gorgeous, kind, compassionate, the next Mother Teresa
Jonah - evil, spawn of Satan, murderous, villain, fat


This is Jonah.  I think I'm a good influence because I talked her out of having her hair cut this way again.
  • Jonah is very realistic.  She doesn't believe that Jared Leto and I could repopulate Atlantis.  I mean, what's up with that?  God.
  • Jonah gets bored easily.  Take Pride and Prejudice for example.  For her, the story didn't have to go on and on and on when it could easily be summed up in two or three chapters.  I remember in college, she likes to do stuff that would get her brain pumped up or something.  She likes to be challenged.  Seriously.  (I don't get this because, personally, I prefer to do manual labor than think about  things I'm not remotely interested at.  I think this is one of the reasons why our friendship works.  HAHAHAHAHA.  I'll explain this some other time.)
  • This is still connected with her ridiculously short attention span.  She didn't enjoy 127 Hours..  So, I'm 99.9% sure she wouldn't enjoy 12 Years A Slave.  (I don't know why I'm telling you guys this.  HAHAHAHA.)
  • She enjoys fantasy books and films that make sense.  Some examples are: Harry Potter (duh), A Song of Ice and Fire series (Game of Thrones), Lord of The Rings, and..  Naruto.  She's also indignant because the Twilight books haven't won any Nobel or Pulitzer prize.  Most recently, she went on and on about how awesome Fifty Shades of Gray was and how the love of the two protagonists for each other makes her weep every night.  She said that she wanted to find a love like that.  She wanted to know how it feels like to find the person you're meant to be with forever.  (HAHAHAHAHAHA obviously I'm kidding about the Twilight and Fifty Shades thing)
  • Yeah, she likes how Japanese people think - how things are unexpected and how their ideas are always twisted.  Like Battle Royale!  We were innocent-looking freshmen in college when she started talking about it.  Anyway, there are a lot of other Japanese novels, stories she told me but, why would I talk about all of it here when we could blog and elaborate about it some other time, right?

This chick right here is the prostitute version of me.
  • I like fantasy books too.  I'm a Potterhead and ASOIAF fan too but I also enjoy Neil Gaiman books.. which Jonah doesn't.  She borrowed my copy of Anansi Boys (which is my favorite Neil Gaiman novel) five years ago.  I asked her opinion after reading it, she told me it's okay but she thinks it's for kids.  I was heartbroken, sure, but I couldn't really do anything about it.  Although, from that moment on, I swore that I would always ask (beg, even) God to make her fat...  HAHAHAHA kidding.  Anyway, I'm a BIG (literally and figuratively speaking) Neil Gaiman fan.  I like how he's able to weave complicated stories and stitch them up at the end of the novel/graphic novel!
  • I looooooove books and movies that are based from a true story.
  • I also like stuff that talks about the importance of family.  I'm a sucker for stories that highlight the significance of one's mom or dad.
  • Jonah said that my default mode is "angry."  I'm easily irritated so, some of my reviews might contain a lot of curses..  especially, if I didn't enjoy the book or film or tv series or episode I'm reviewing.
  • I don't want to describe myself anymore.  Please read our future posts so you could form your own opinion about me.  (Shameless plugging na din, diba? HAHAHAHA!)

We're not really into the same stuff, most of the time but we also have some similarities.
  • We're not really into the cheesy shmeezy stuff that people our age are interested at.  She hates the "arte" of everything.  How the guy has to ask permission from the girl to go out, how the girl has to text the guy who she's with or whatever.  She hates how relationships give limitations to one's freedom.  For me, I don't get the sweety sweety stuff especially the extreme PDA.  I'm not against it but I know that it wouldn't last so when the break-up happens and the girl weeps or the guy weeps, it annoys the freaking bejesus out of me.  I have troubles empathizing and sympathizing with other people.  I'm not a robot but I have really, really late reactions (feelings-wise) to issues.
  • We both like Matthew Gray Gubler! I just have to put this here because we don't have the same taste in guys and, I think, MGG is the only guy we both liked!  HAHAHAHAHA!
So, basically, when we post our reviews, there would be different reactions coming from the two of us.  Interesting, right?  I bet you couldn't wait for it!  Hihihi.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Jorinah Fairytale: The Finale

On our fourth year in college, we started thinking about graduation (well, DUH.)  Of course we knew that the two of us are going to graduate on time because not only are we beautiful - we're both pretty smart too (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.)

Anyway, before anything else, one thing you should know about me is that when I get attached to someone - I get really (and I mean really) attached to her.  I could be a little clingy and stuff.  I guess I always need to have some reassurance that the person I'm attached to (in this case, sadly, it's Jonah) wouldn't leave me and stuff.  Yuck.  I'm sorry, I'm sort of cringing while typing this..  But, no.  The Jorinah fans (HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'M KIDDING) should know these details for them to understand what's going on inside my head.  ANYWAY, where was I before I rudely interrupted myself..?  Okay, yes, so, I could be a little clingy when I get attached to a person.  Mind, in a room of 50, I only attach myself to a single, special person - so, you see how lucky Jonah is because I chose her to be the person I plaster myself to.

So, having said all of this embarrassing and humiliating details, I could now go to the main point of my story which is: Jorinah approaching their graduation day.  We started talking about stuff that would or might happen after graduation.  We started to ask questions like, "would we still be friends after graduation?"  Jonah was very firm on her answer.  She said "Yes" because she loves me very much and she couldn't imagine living and fulfilling her dreams without me by her side.  So, of course, I was flattered.  Although, I wasn't really surprised.  I mean, I'm pretty awesome so I could understand her devotion to me.  HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!  Kidding aside, we did realize (actually, she made me realize) that we're still going to be friends even after we graduated.  Sure, some stuff would change.  She wouldn't be able to regularly see my face that could captivate trillions of hearts with a smile.  I wouldn't get to pinch her flabby arms  (HAHAHAHAHAHAHA joke lang. Kissy kissy) everyday.  But, so what, right?  This friendship isn't solely based on seeing each other everyday.

Looking back, every great whatever that happened to me in college, every amazing moment - Jonah was always there.  She laughed with me, she laughed at me, she helped me get through stuff.  She doesn't punch me or whatever when I get.. you know.. too clingy HAHAHAHAHA.  She was (is) such a great second mother to me (HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!)  So, long story short..  Whatever I do, I don't think I could easily shoo away Jonah from my life.  Hay.  Sometimes being this amazing is such a burden.  You guys have no idea.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA joke!

So, graduation or getting old or whatever, the Jorinah Fairytale would live on... Forever.  HAHAHAAHAHA!

Iya AKA Rina


First of all, HAHAHAHAHAHAH! Rina talking like that is so weird. It gives me the shivers.

Well of course I knew we would still be friends after graduation. It's not like I have a choice. She's probably gonna hunt me down if I stop contacting her. She's like a little puppy that follows you around and cries when you ignore it. The only difference is Rina would probably eat me instead of crying if I did ignore her.

But kidding aside, I wasn't sad during our college graduation. At least not as sad as I was during the HS one. Sure, I would probably see my friends less now that we don't have to go to classes together. Hell, I probably won't see half of my classmates after graduation but what I did know was the fact that my relationship with my closest friend (Rina) wouldn't change. Maybe it's because of the fact that we kinda already figured out who we are when we met so there is little chance of outgrowing each other like I did some of my HS friends. And you know, there's no drama or hidden animosity between us cause she already knows I'm better than her.....

We've gotten a lot of flack because we're too close. During our internship, we were even the topic of an open forum between the interns because they found it hard to get close to the two of us. Apparently, we have a lot of inside jokes. HAHAHA. I'm not even kidding. An open forum. Stupid right?  But everything turned out well. We made new friends (not always with the same people), we had crushes (thank GOD not with the same people) and we had our fair share of enemies (a lot of time with the same people. Haha!) We do have our own interests and our own lives but there is always gonna be that place where only the two of us are allowed cause, you know, according to the open forum we share a lot of inside jokes.

So yeah, I probably wouldn't have survived a lot of thing if she wasn't there and I probably wouldn't be as "nice" as I am without her. And as much as I hate to admit it, I probably wouldn't be the same without her......

EEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!! I did not just say that.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Jorinah Fairytale Part II

I made this in our third year.  Aren't we cute?

I didn't know Jonah would be my closest friend in college.  She was clingy and, oh my god, I just need some space sometimes, you know?  HAHAHAHAHAHA.

One of the funniest memories I have of her was during our first week at school.  See, we weren't super close yet so I was treading the water.  So, when I saw her handwriting for the first time, I was trying so hard not to laugh out loud.  It was..  I don't know, I'm going to let her describe her own handwriting for me.  (Hint: Picture a toddler trying to write for the first time in her life.)  I remember grinning and I'm 95% sure I asked her if that's how she really writes.  I'm sorry, I can't recall the exact details but I remember her telling me na "Ang sama mo!" and I was really trying not to burst out in laughter while telling her na wala sa hitsura nya na ganon sya magsulat.  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

One of the things that really cemented our friendship was our telebabads.  When something dramatic or big happens (brawls, cat fights, or when one of us is pretty pissed off with someone) we spend an hour or two on the phone dissecting the issue and almost, always wishing that something bigger or more controversial happened.  I know I should be sorry but, let's face it, without these issues..  there's rarely anything to look forward to everyday!  When I think about it, there's no one else (in the block) I would want to share these conversations and talks with.  I think it's always going to be the ugly face of Jonah.

So if you guys actually read between the lines, you would see how much she admires me. Let's dissect shall we?

1. I didn't know Jonah would be my closest friend in college.
 - REAL MEANING: I am thankful to god that someone like her chose to hang out with someone like me.

2. I was really trying not to burst out in laughter while telling her na wala sa hitsura nya na ganon sya magsulat.
-REAL MEANING: I can't believe her handwriting looks like that when she looks so perfect.

Thanks Rina!


There were a lot of things that happened during our college days and attempting to put all the hilarious moments on one blog post is impossible- mainly because I don't remember half of them. Like everybody else though, we also had our corny I-want-to-hide-under-a-rock-whenever-I-remember phase. Jokes like "Pantog Activate" when one wants to pee and refering to an aircon as "Fuzzy: Only For You" (Yes, tagline included) - we used to think that was hilarious. Freaks right? Still, it was so much better than the others. *cough* Joaqui *cough*

You might think we are anti-social freaks who hate everybody but we did manage to find our special little group. Although we insult each other on a daily basis and do weird things (see first picture of this post), we wouldn't have made it without them.


But among these 7 people, the Jorinah Fairytale lives on (HAHAHAHAHA dear god). Rina and I, oddly enough, had our own special connection. We were being pulled together like opposite ends of a magnet- a big magnet cause there is no way a small one can pull Rina being the big thing that she is.

So there, our college days together was mainly made up of backstabbing (but never each other), phone calls, alcohol, barfing Rina, in-love-for-the-first-time Rina (Hahaha!), heartbroken Rina, jealous Rina...

And me. Being the nice angel that I am. :)

And my handwriting is not that bad please. I don't understand why everybody makes fun of my handwriting.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Jorinah Fairytale: A Trilogy (LOLZ) Part I

Jonah - Gold
Rina - Fat

So this blog is something we're putting up in order to deal with our stressful daily lives.We believe that being able to express our emotions and share a part of ourselves to our readers is a necessity as well as something beautiful and magical.

Hahahaha. Just kidding.  

We're just bored.

So that's me (Jonah) and Rina (the fat one) having one of our rare moments where we actually smile at the camera and not make faces at each other. We can be very loving towards one another when we want to. But that's the problem. 

We rarely want to.

We met on the first day of college when I was being the bitchy self that I was thinking I was above making friends with others. All of a sudden this big ball of fat approached me and asked if we were in the right classroom. Naturally, I got attracted to the smiling face of a cherub and decided to sit with her. Haha! Again, just kidding. I just didn't have anyone better to sit with.

And it all started there. I remember the first ever text she sent me was a group message containing song lyrics. It's not really connected with what this paragraph is going to be about but I just wanted to remind her how she sent me a group message containing song lyrics. Hahaha! Anyway, those first few days weren't actually very easy for me. Coming from an all girls school, adjusting to a university with all types of people from different walks of life (and dealing with some people's retarded sense of humor) was kinda difficult. So although it is torture for me to say this, I did find some comfort talking to my fat friend (I mean Rina if that wasn't so obvious). We found solace in each other by bashing and mocking other people. You can say that our foundation was based on mutual hatred of some of our blockmates and our mutual skill in mocking them. Kinda gives you a glimpse on what our relationship would be like.


What Jonah said are all lies.  The only truth that she mentioned was the fact that I approached her because I wanted to ask where Room D was.  And how I have the smiling face of a cherub.  Plus, the way we mocked other people.  And the first  text message I sent her.  And the way we adjusted in our first year in college.  So, basically... everything she said.

Anyway, let me give you my own version of the events that transpired during that eventful day in 2009.  I was going to meet a batchmate from HS (Ekay.  We weren't so close back then)  I was wandering idly around UST.  Actually, I was lost.  Ekay told me to meet her near the arc.  I didn't know where the bloody arc was so I was lost and confused and kind of scared and...  You know what, you don't have to know these stuff.  Let me fast forward to the moment (MOMENT HAHAHAHA) I met Jonah.

So, Ekay and I were together and we didn't know where Room D was.  The guard was totally unhelpful and I was so close to kicking him in the nuts but, lo and behold, I saw a bunch of nervous-looking idiots (I'M KIDDING HAHAHA I'M KIDDING!!!) waiting outside a room under the stairs (seriously, our room was under the stairs.)  I approached this bitchy-looking hag (Jonah), tapped her, and asked if the pitiful room before us was Room D.  When she saw me, her eyes glowed, as if to tell me, "Omg you're perfect.  I'm going to stick to you like a band-aid!"  That should've given me the hint that Jonah would always worship the floor that I walk on. But, when you think about it, I was kind of used to that kind of attention (being the charming goddess that I am.)

Kidding aside, I think we were both lucky to have met and bonded that way.  I was actually really having a hard time adjusting to college.  There were some stuff that most people laughed at and all I could do was raise my eyebrows and think, "Omg if this is college humor then I'm doomed."  Then came Jonah.  I remember that we were hesitant, at first, to admit if there were some stuff that we didn't like about school or our block.  Then we opened up and realized that we're two really amazing people in our very own hell.  (AGAIN, I'M KIDDING HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I LOVE YOU 4CA5!  Not 1CA5 because.. you know.  HAHAHAHAHA!)

So, all you have to remember is that June 17, 2009 is the start of our beautiful story - Jorinah Fairytale.  HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!